El hidrogeno/electricidad podrían no ser el futuro de la energia ecologica
Hidrogen/electricity could not be the future of green energy
Autor:Andrés F. ANTHEUS
email:anteamsc@hotmail.com Teléfono:+34 600883147
ORCID: 0000-0001-9223-9892
A mi familia y en especial a mi madre por su gran apoyo.
Breve resumen del trabajo.-
Se parte de las siguientes hipótesis:"Si se usase el hidrogeno,¿disminuiria la contaminación atmosferica?", "El modelo del hidrogeno/electricidad es un 'modelo sostenible' o por el contrario no es mas que una 'quimera'","El agua(H2O) es el elemento más abundante en el Planeta Tierra","Para conseguir el hidrogeno se emplean mas recursos(electricidad) que hacen que sea una 'quimera' como sustituto como combustible masivo en un mercado" y "El precio del hidrogeno sería caro y su peligrosidad de explosión es muy grande".
PALABRAS CLAVE: Hidrogeno;políticas sobre combustibles; mercados de combustibles; combustibles; electricidad; España; Europa; OPEC; Ecologia; butano; propano; metano.
KEYWORDS: Hydrogen, fuel policies; fuel markets; fuels; electricity; Spain; Europe; OPEC; Ecology; butane; propane; methane.
Clasificación JEL con dos dígitos: JEL:B22
Breve resumen del trabajo.-
Es acerca de la historia de los motores de hidrogeno y la electricidad y el futuro de estos. Existen peligros y riesgos de estos motores de hidrogeno, ya que el hidrogeno es altamente inflamable, ademas aunque da como contaminante "agua sucia", supone un "NUEVO ORDEN MUNDIAL" y eso pone en un status peligroso a los productores de "combustibles fosiles",como el petroleo y el gas metano,propano y butano. La solución debe venir por el uso de gases "fosiles" hibridos con electricidad,de eso trata este articulo.
It's about the history of hydrogen engines and electricity and the future of these. There are dangers and risks of these hydrogen engines, since hydrogen is highly flammable, but also gives as a pollutant "dirty water", is a "NEW WORLD ORDER" and that puts in a dangerous status to producers of "fossil fuels" , such as oil and gas methane, propane and butane. The solution must come from the use of "fossil" gases hybridized with electricity, that is what this article is about.
PALABRAS CLAVE: Hidrogeno;políticas sobre combustibles; mercados de combustibles; combustibles; electricidad; España; Europa; OPEC; Ecologia; butano; propano; metano.
KEYWORDS: Hydrogen, fuel policies; fuel markets; fuels; electricity; Spain; Europe; OPEC; Ecology; butane; propane; methane.
Clasificación JEL con dos dígitos: JEL:B22
Hydrogen and oxygen are the most abundant elements on planet Earth, so the idea of using hydrogen as fuel is an idea that, 'a priori', seems very good, but to obtain hydrogen it must be separated from oxygen in water and for this electrolysis is used, that is, electricity.
However, despite the overall accelerating pace in recent years, innovation in the energy system is not occurring quickly and widely enough, nor is it adequately aligned, to address pressing issues and exploit new technologies to improve the lives of citizens around the world. The global energy system faces rising and shifting demands: the urgent challenge of tackling climate change and the need to expand energy access, mirrored by tremendous new opportunities created by the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which affect all sectors of the economy and society.
In this context, the World Economic Forum's System Initiative on Shaping the Future of Energy aims to accelerate development of the policies, private-sector actions and public-private collaboration required to achieve a sustainable, affordable, secure and inclusive energy future essential for economic and social development. Partnering to Accelerate Sustainable Energy Innovation is a project initiated within this system initiative, following the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2017 in Davos.
From the way we power and heat our homes to the fuel we use in our vehicles, the energy sources on which we depend release harmful carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
Given the scale of the decarbonisation challenge, we need to use many technological solutions in tandem. But one element has so far been forgotten: hydrogen.Although is used in present in several places as substitute even more than electricity.
Generation transformation
Our demand for energy keeps growing. Analysts forecast our energy demand in 2050 will be 30-40% higher than today, even assuming we become much more energy-efficient. Increases on this scale are not unprecedented. Over the past 30 years, worldwide energy demand has more than doubled. What is unprecedented is the transformation needed in how we generate that energy. But this need to be also ecological or "green" because there are many sources but 'climate change' is present when we choose a new source of energy.
Renewables are getting cheaper, and have received more than $2 trillion of investment globally in the past decade. Yet the share of our energy obtained from fossil fuels has hardly budged. Since 1980, renewables have increased from less than 1% of the primary energy mix to just over 1% today. In contrast, fossil fuels have remained at a stubborn 81% of the primary energy mix.
Our fossil fuel dependence hasn't budged in 35 years
Image: World Bank, Enerdata, Our World in Data
We need to scale up existing low-carbon technologies at a much faster rate – otherwise population growth will continue to outpace investment in renewables, and fossil fuels will continue to dominate. We cannot, however, keep asking for more from technologies that have proved successful to-date. We can use for old carbon electricity factories 'carbon batteries',this way we recycle them,this don't do it yet,but I suggest as an option of the short life of the carbon electricity factories,it is a 'green' use for carbon batteries,due that now they are not recycled in many places.
The International Energy Agency (IEA) highlights that only three of twenty-six low carbon innovation areas - solar PV and onshore wind, energy storage and electric vehicles (EV) - are mature, commercially competitive and on track to deliver their share of the climate objectives set out at the 2015 Paris Climate Conference. Due to 'UN "veto"' that avoid sanctions for countries as USA, Russia,China, among others; the Paris Agreements have not strong power to prevent ecological disaters that is happening,this is due that first is money and later is ecology but money in a destroyed planet has no sense.
It is unlikely we can squeeze more out of these three technology areas than is currently projected. Solar PV and onshore wind are intermittent, so need to be used in conjunction with energy storage or other forms of power generation. The high-energy-density batteries that are used for both storage and EVs are causing concern around whether the supply of raw materials needed to manufacture them will be able to keep pace with their rapid uptake. According to BNEF, graphite demand is predicted to skyrocket from just 13,000 tons a year in 2015 to 852,000 tons in 2030, and the production of lithium, cobalt and manganese will increase more than 100-fold. This is already creating pressure on supply chains and prices - and on the people working in these mines, often in incredibly poor conditions.
Growing demand for EV batteries has caused a surge in demand for their raw materials
Image: London Metal Exchange
So what other options are available to us? The World Economic Forum's latest white paper proposes some bold ideas to significantly accelerate sustainable energy innovation and support the uptake of future energy sources. One energy vector mentioned there that is often forgotten is hydrogen.
Hydrogen's potential & risks
Hydrogen has the potential to decarbonise electricity generation, transport and heat. That's because when produced by electrolysis - using electricity to split water (H2O) into hydrogen and oxygen - hydrogen does not produce any pollutants.
Perhaps the best-known use for hydrogen currently is in transportation. With electric vehicles, drivers are often concerned about their range and the time it takes to recharge. Fuel cell electric vehicles, which run on hydrogen, avoid these concerns, as they have a longer range, a much faster refuelling time and require few behavioural changes.
Hydrogen can also be used to heat our homes. It can be blended with natural gas or burned on its own. The existing gas infrastructure could be used to transport it, which would avoid the grid costs associated with greater electrification of heat.
Once produced, hydrogen could also act as both a short and long‐term energy store. Proponents suggest that surplus renewable power – produced, for example, when the wind blows at night – can be harnessed and the hydrogen produced using this electricity can be stored in salt caverns or high-pressure tanks. Earlier this month a report by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers called for more demonstration sites and a forum in which to discuss hydrogen's long-term storage potential.
Hydrogen is highly flammable and can explode or cause fires. Many years ago, the zeppelin loaded with helium (H3) burned in New York. It is one of the most volatile gases that exist. On the other hand, OPEC would lose all the Consumption of butane, propane and methane gases, as well as gasoline and diesel, which would be a great loss for the Persian Gulf countries, for example, which depend on this as their main income, since they do not have a suitable climate for the tourism and its prices are very high and are dedicated to a tourist 'elite' (VIPs), even though their income from tourism is minimal compared to oil.
Hydrogen could revolutionise the way we produce, store and use energy
Image: National Physical Laboratory
Research challenges
Hydrogen clearly has several potential uses, but more research, particularly in production and safety, is needed before we can use it at scale.
Currently, almost all of global hydrogen (96%) is produced by reforming methane (CH4), a process which ultimately produces carbon dioxide. To be sustainable, this production method would need to be deployed with carbon capture and storage, which is itself in need of further development.
Electrolysis produces no carbon emissions. Yet the amount of hydrogen that can be produced using this method depends on the cost and availability of electricity from renewable sources. A report by the Royal Society suggests that electrolysis may be better suited for vehicle refuelling and off-grid deployment rather than for large-scale, centralised hydrogen production.
Concerns about the safety of using hydrogen also need to be addressed. A report by the UK's National Physical Laboratory noted two priority safety issues when transporting hydrogen in the grid and combusting it for heat. When hydrogen is combusted, you can't see the flame, so there needs to be a way of detecting whether it is lit. Hydrogen would be transported and stored at high pressures, so we need to find an odorant that works with hydrogen so that people can detect leaks.
WEF(World Economic Forum)(2019).
Accelerating sustainable energy innovation(2018).https://www.weforum.org/whitepapers/accelerating-sustainable-energy-innovation