It is complicated to write about something that can not be tested and there is hardly any data. His plans? Here the versions 'official' and the 'Theory of Conspiracy'.
Publicly speaking, the Bilderberg Club is presented as a basically economic meeting, such as the Davos Forum or others, but in which only a limited number of people and places are allowed.
Receive the name of the Hotel where the first meeting was held.
Their goals are not public, but they are supposed to make economic gains.
So far the 'official' version. From the veracity of the 'Conspiracy Theory' I can not be held responsible ... consider fiction!
What is offered below is based on documents provided by people who say that 'a source' has revealed the contents of the secret meetings of the Bilderberg Club ...
First of all ...
Who is behind the Bilderberg Club?
Those who lead it are, supposedly, the Rothschilds along with the Rockefellers, who help them.The Bloodlines are bloodlines that come from the beginning of humanity ... It could be said that if we believe in the legend that narrates the Hebrew Old Testament, in the Beginning of Humanity God created Adam and Lilith. Lilith was the first woman of Adam, whom she left because she did not submit, and who reproduced with demons having many daughters ...God 'made' Eve then, who had Abel and Cain with him. Abel later died at the hands of his brother Cain. Eve and Adam later had Seth, who bore the 12 tribes of Ishrael (the children of God). In addition, there is another tribe, the 13th, that of the accursed ones of God (that God told Cain, to kill his brother, that of the descendants of Cain, who reproduced with the daughters of Lilith.Thus, among the Kings and the noble houses would be the heirs of some of those 12 tribes (which were giving rise to Christianity, Islam, etc.). In addition, they also include other ancient cultures, like the Chinese or the Japanese, the Buddhist religion, etc.It could be said that they are the 'representatives of Humanity', in terms of effective power, not apparent. The real 'UN'. This 'UN' would execute the orders to achieve the true objectives, which are not economic only.
It is said that at the moment its objective is to reduce the world population to 1/3: they claim that there is insufficient food and drinking water and that it does not make sense at present.
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