MYTHS current model.
family and especially my mother for her great support.
Brief summary of the work.-
is part of the following hypothesis: "In a market if it is
removed or attenuates the price factor, should compete on quality or
other factors such as customer loyalty, for example."
Money, Banks, Monetary System,
cryptomonedas, subprimes crisis, systemic error.
Money, Banks, Monetary System,
cryptocoins, subprimes, krisses, Sistemic Error
classification with two digits:
JEL: B22
It is based on the theory of Maslow and his
hierarchy of needs also game theory of John Nash is applied.
Maslow proposed a theory that there is a
hierarchy of human needs, and argued that as the most basic needs are
met, humans develop higher needs and desires. From this hierarchy it
is established what is known as Maslow pyramid.
Example: If you want to create a need for
gasoline, diesel, electricity, etc., because it sells that good or
service you can give away at cost 0 good or service "generator"
of necessity (vehicle powered by these fuels, for example) creating
such a need in the consumer product or generating the need for hiring
or buying the secondary or "slave" who would be gasoline,
diesel, electricity, etc. for a time required to generate the cost of
goods or services + the estimated cost good "slave" +
beneficios.De thus the problem of financing (own funds or credits) of
fuel companies and doubt arises from the "forecast future price
of an asset" that can make hiring arises safe as is done with
crops of potatoes, for example.
It is part of the hypothesis "Confidence is
the main element in which any economic activity is based" .It
based on a main concept is the endorsement of honor but today opt for
financial guarantees to ensure the collection of a good or service
granting a credit based on that factor.
It is part of the hypothesis: "Offer to give
away a computer provided acquire a bonus of 5 years of technical
service of computers for 10 € / month you can have the following
option: Extended Warranty 2 year (by law) 5 years parts,"And it
is part of the following hypothesis" To require a technical
service of computers is necessary to have a computer "Can you
give a computer (either generator need? This has been done by some
informaticas academies to sell their good "slave" (computer
course) and others for years as banks in their gift of goods or
services that generate profit through interest on loans or customer
loyalty by having imposed an amount of money fixed term but could be
extended to other financial products (/ debit payroll for a minimum
period, for example) ..
General SWOT analysis of this offer type for
ICARUS INFORMATICA (Weaknesses / Threats / Strengths / Opportunities)
* Competition in base price factor in a
capitalist market (Ex: El Corte English / Icarus Informatica)
* Computer Financing
* Payback period of good service or
indeterminate and usually less than 5 years
MARGINAL Monopolies NEED A GOOD GENERATOR (computer) (eg:
MICROSOFT / MS Internet Explorer & Netscape / Netscape
* Competition with own funding
* Antitrust laws in the country.
* Being self employed owner of Icarus
* The monthly fee for a microcredit would
suppose from 1% of the minimum wage per month approximately
* The price of a computer and the parts is
inversely proportional to the time normally
* Using the "fuzzy"
* Use Microcredit
* Larger parts warranty 2 to 5 years
* Amortization Computer
* The Corporations tend to have limited social
*Mixed economy
* Competition with major companies
* Centralizing purchases
* Becoming Wholesale
* Strategies "Hunting / Fishing"
applied to Game Theory
In principle you can
not say that tourism is generating necessity, but if we analyze it we
find usable needs such as:
He competes as:
Basic (Food / Beverage // Accommodation / Means
of transport to destination)
* Option All Inclusive
Extended (Cultural trips / visits / Clubs, etc)
* Option All Inclusive PLUS
He competes in quality
+ price: LUXURY.
project of a Russian love with Andalucia
Andalusian a dreamer ".
a project on Bs
Andaluz was made by Olga Bakeeva in the Master of Management of
Tourist Business of the University of Huelva and has further provided
a website domain https://www.bsandaluz.com
How do you sell
or give away "BS ANDALUZ" You need a good or service that
is symbiotic or making.P.ej: You sell the tour package and gunwales
Spanish classes for 5 years or you can sell Spanish classes for 5
years and give turistico..Actualmente finance package tour packages
microcredit as Cofidis companies, Cetelem, credit and suretyship,
p.ej.The main idea is that the transport plane, for example, and
accommodation free and charged more for the guides sightseeing which
will provide a service shift, 24 hour customer service, plus
excursions will tour myths and legends of Andalucia, an exclusive
product and supported by a doctoral thesis awarded a "summa cum
laude" from the University of Huelva .
fuzzy logic / Fuzzy logic.-
It is part of the hypothesis "There are three
logic states in computer; 0.1 Ni 0 / Ni 1 absolute or FUZZY" 0
or 1 = 0.25,0.50,0.75, analog to digital hybrid is 0 and 1, ALU / ULA
hybridizes CUANTICA.
Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) Ajzen
Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB for its acronym in
English) of Icek Ajzen (1985, 1991) helps to understand how we can
change the behavior of people. TPB is a theory which predicts
deliberate behavior, because behavior can be planned.
TPB is the successor of the theory of reasoned
action similar Ajzen and Fishbein (1975, 1980). The succession was
the result of the discovery that behavior appeared to be 100%
voluntary and under control. This resulted in the addition of
perceived behavioral control. With this addition the theory was
called the Theory of Planned Behavior.
The three considerations of the Theory of Planned Behavior
In short, according to TPB, human action is guided
by three kinds of considerations:
- Behavioral beliefs. These are referred belief the likely consequences of behavior.
- normative beliefs. These are beliefs regarding the normative expectations of others.
- controlled beliefs. These are beliefs about the presence of factors that may facilitate, or may impede, the performance of behavior.
The three considerations of Ajzen are crucial in
circumstances / projects / programs when you need to change the
behavior of people.
In their respective aggregates, behavioral beliefs
produce a favorable or unfavorable attitude toward the behavior,
normative beliefs result in perceived social pressure or subjective
norm, and control beliefs give rise to perceived behavioral control.
In combination, the attitude toward the behavior, subjective norm,
and perception of controlled behavior, leading to the formation of an
intentional behavior. As a general rule, if the attitude and
subjective norm are more favorable, the perceived control will be
greater, and the intention of the person to perform a particular
behavior will be stronger.
residual effects of past behavior recently
In 2002, Ajzen investigated residual effects of
past behavior in the most recent behavior. He concluded that this
factor indeed exists but can not be described as a habit, as many
people are thinking. A review of existing evidence suggests that the
residual impact of past behavior is attenuated, when measures of
intention and behavior are compatible.
A research project in the travel industry resulted
in the conclusion that the last election travel contributes to the
prediction of recent behavior only if conditions remain relatively
Example: The Theory of Planned Behavior Ajzen can
help to explain why advertising campaigns merely providing
information do not work. Only increase the knowledge does little to
change behavior. The campaigns are aimed at attitudes, perceived
norms, and control to make the change or buying certain goods, have
better results.
Similarly, in administering programs that focus
only on explaining the importance of something (knowledge transfer)
will likely not succeed. Instead, one should convince people to
change their intention to change, giving much attention to attitudes,
subjective norms and to the perceived control of their behavior.
Own theory of
quantum mechanics "games" with uncertainty principle / indeterminacy of
Heisenberg, with fuzzy logic and Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB).
It is based on the
formulation of hypotheses for solving a problem ( "game or
system") that rebuts or say, considering the tricks as well as
techniques of "deception" ( "bait") of "hunting
/ fishing" for example. Also the desired solution is the most
suited to the reality to solve the assumptions and mount the reductio
or induction, for example is given. tools are used to prove a
hypothesis except that it can be true or false (Principle of
uncertainty / indeterminacy of Heisenberg) and a logic that such a
slate like a duck, fish, hammer tells you hammer is the element
applies jarring because it is not an animal ( "game" for
young gifted children). etc) the problem is knowing when the
"systemic error" occurs because there is no "tools"
to detect and only patients with bipolar disorder have that intuition
as John Forbes Nash and me. To determine when the "absolute or
systemic error" occurs is used at the beginning of uncertainty /
indeterminacy of Heisemberg with fuzzy logic applied, asks: When the
"Nash equilibrium" was not fulfilled and under that
"premises" (hypothesis ? subsequently develop) the system
was audited in search of "systemic error" .To explain let's
an example: the game of "military chess" Deep Blue in Fort
Meade, is part of the (TABLES solution, such as "3 Stripes "/
PAZ) and stage (scenarios / positions of the pieces on the board
arises as they become our military resources and our allies and
potential enemies,
equilibrium or balance or equilibrium Cournot Cournot and Nash or
equilibrium of fear is, in theory plays a "solution concept"
for games with two or more players, which assumes that:
- Every player knows and has adopted the best strategy, and
- Everyone knows the strategies of others.
each individual player does not win anything changing its strategy
while others keep theirs. Thus, each player is running the best
"movement" taking into account the movements of the other
In other words,
a Nash equilibrium is a situation in which all players have put into
practice, and they know that they have, a strategy that maximizes
profits given the strategies of others. Consequently, no player has
no incentive to change their strategy individually.
It is important
to note that a Nash equilibrium does not imply that the best overall
outcome for participants is achieved, but only the best outcome for
each considered individually. It is perfectly possible that the
result was better for everyone if, somehow, players coordinate their
In economic
terms, it is a kind of balance of imperfect competition which
describes the situation of several companies competing for the same
market well and you can choose how much to produce to try to
maximize their profit.
Strategies "hunting / fishing girls"
applied to the theory of games-
Are based on the
observation of animals in hunting and fishing by applying it to as
"link" girls / chicos.P.ej: "Lone Wolf": when
the wolf attacking a herd alone, "Release / up line on fishing
": when seduction methods used, eg to" hook "alternating
with ignoring the dam to the dam attack sinner can succeed in
creating interest and" hitch "in it, etc. You can apply
psychological methods: Eg: "Pavlov's dog" reverse
psychology and social engineering (Hackear minds).
* They can be used militarily ( "psychological
warfare" of the US Marines).
is money? Money is a tool that companies use to establish different
relationships with each other, both internally and externally.
concept of money is not usually questioned in everyday life but its
history and its operation are great unknown for the vast amount of
the population, that makes it a great unknown.
that occurs to resolve complications related to barter because the
latter requires matching needs and is based on the assessment of use
of property. Menger explains:
individuals only take into account in their exchanges, the use value
of the assets and all operations were limited to those cases where
the goods available to an economic subject had for the lower value
of use that who owned the other subject, while for the latter the
opposite happen. A has a sword that has less value for use plow B.
While for B plow use has less value than the sword of A.
story, probably written in 425. C., begins with the story of the
Lydians, describing events that occurred at about the sixth or
seventh century. C. and this is important, because it can not claim
that the story begins with writing.
fact, writing began about four thousand years before the Sumerians
and it is not until the fourth century. C., ie in the first
millennium, the time when writing the first story. The Greeks know
about writing
the fifteenth or sixteenth century. C. and it is almost a millennium
after being written the history of Herodotus and that history has
ignored almost all Mesopotamian civilizations that preceded the
Lydians, who are in the historical moment
sort of mixture of Mesopotamian Greeks or Phoenicians. Herodotus
seeks to understand that they are different from the Greeks, are
ashamed of nudity, but allow moral dissipation of his daughters,
give children and are addicted to
they invented. But these kings Lydians have a mine that has made
them immensely rich. That will allow them to be the first to make a
monetary issue. But fit some questions, if the currency did not
exist before the first issue made by Croesus then what Keynes speaks
when it comes to this issue is a purely symbolic act? Is the
currency existed before? What happens to the exchange which is
spoken in world economic history? How does Menger statement of
institutional evolution is? Well, the goal is to try to answer these
questions. Money existed before, such a thing can be deduced from
reading a previous document to the History of Herodotus, a
Mesopotamian document speaks of commercial and civil relations of
Babylonian civilization.
If one has received borrowed money from a trader and the trader has
one arable wheat field or sesame saying: "Cultivate the field,
harvest and takes wheat or sesame will be there" when the
farmer has made come on wheat or
in the field, at harvest time the owner of the field will take the
wheat or sesame exists in it and give the trader wheat for the money
with interest and took the merchant the cost of cultivation of the
field. "
to financial education portal http://www.svs.cl/educaabout
the history of money: "The trade is as old as the earliest
human settlements in Asia more than 6 or 7 thousand years ago, at
first they exchanged what they produced, then step was given to
trade, circa 3200. C traders Mesopotomia used gold bullion and
silver kings put a seal to ensure its weight and quality, thus was
born the concept of currency, however the first similar to today we
know currencies are used in Lydia around the century 7. C. were made
of gold and silver (electro), the Roman Empire used silver coins
minted by the State that were valid in all their territories. paper
money better known as "ticket" would have been used for
the first time China in the ninth century AD. C, would have been
used in Europe for the first time in the sixteenth century d. C.".
the money was used in its beginnings in ancient times, it was not as
we know it today. Civilizations adopted various goods to meet with
them the role of money: food, shells, metals, feathers, precious
stones, etc.
time, gold and silver were widely used as money because its value is
accepted worldwide, and also because of the ease of transportation,
the benefits of conservation and so on. To guarantee or certify that
a piece of metal or coin contained a certain amount of gold and / or
silver coinage began, as a guarantee or certification by recognized
and respected entities (kingdoms, governments, banks), which to
Prove the weight and quality of the metal containing.
evolution in which States issued notes and coins that gave right to
the bearer to exchange them for gold or silver from the country's
reserves was necessary. The evolution of the backing paper currency
is as follows:
In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, many countries had a
pattern of two metals based on gold and silver.
Between 1870 and World War I was mainly adopted the gold standard,
so that any citizen could convert the paper money in an amount of
gold equivalent.
In the period between world wars he tried to return to the Gold
Standard, although the economic situation and the crisis or crack
the 29 ended the convertibility of notes into gold for individuals.
At the end of World War II, the allies established a new financial
system in the Bretton Woods agreements, in which it was established
that all currencies would be convertible into US dollars and only
the US dollar would be convertible in gold bullion at the rate of $
35 per ounce for the foreign governments.
In 1971, expansionary fiscal policies of the US, primarily motivated
by war spending in Vietnam, led to the abundance of dollars,
considering doubts about its convertibility into gold. This made
intentasen European central banks convert their dollar reserves into
gold, creating an unsustainable situation for the US In response, in
December 1971, US President Richard Nixon unilaterally suspended the
dollar's convertibility into gold for the public and devalued the
dollar by 10%. In 1973, the dollar becomes devalued another 10%,
until finally ends with the dollar's convertibility into gold also
for governments and foreign central banks.
From 1973 until today, the money we use today has a value that is in
the subjective belief that it will be accepted by the other
inhabitants of a country or economic zone as a means of exchange.
Monetary authorities and central banks do not intend to defend any
particular level of the exchange rate, but intervening in currency
markets to smooth speculative short-term fluctuations, in order to
maintain short-term price stability, and avoid situations like
hyperinflation, which make the value of that money is destroyed, the
disappearance of confidence in it, or deflation.
fact, money is the result of a social pact where everyone accepts
deliver their goods or services to others in exchange for monetary
symbols (notes, coins, etc.); therefore, the support of money is the
sum of goods and services of the population; that is, gross domestic
product or GDP. This covenant is based on the same markets and
government should prevent the monetary aggregate exceeds the GDP to
maintain its value. However, the government can choose to print more
notes that would lead to inflation and devaluation of its currency
as a way of financing.
the XXI century appeared cryptodivisas, being the bitcoin the most
popular, since its birth in 2009, and perhaps not be surprised to
learn that it is the most popular virtual currency in the world,
involved in 70,000 transactions per day and that their current value
is estimated at 14,000 million dollars, according to Coindesk. But
cryptodivisas production is not regulated by any agency which means
that you can create as many as you want as there are no limits in
theory. There are no currency markets for cryptodivisas yet what can
only be speculative transactions but only "physical" with
the cryptodivisas of which are available. The value of 1 bitcoin is
currently almost $ 1,300 and the price of an ounce of gold. There
are other cryptodivisas that follow bitcoin as ethereum and does so
with some force.
of banking
Order of the Poor Knights of Christ, commonly known as the Knights
Templar or the Order of the Temple was one of the most famous
Christian military orders. This organization remained active for
less than two centuries. It was founded in 1118 by nine French
knights led by Hugo de Pavens after the First Crusade. Its original
purpose was to protect the lives of Christians pilgrimage to
Jerusalem after its conquest. Not only learned a whole market system
created, but became the first bankers since the fall of Rome. They
did so knowing the scarcity of money in old Europe and offering in
its dealings much less usurious than those offered by Jewish
merchants interests. Thus, they created ledgers, modern accounting,
commercial paper and even the first draft. At this time it weighed
heavily the idea of carrying cash on the road, and the Order
of supporting documents ordered to collect an amount previously
delivered in any other parcel of the order. Only
was needed, or where appropriate, the stamp. It is again the trust
that is needed in the market economy.
is a little known fact but true: in the Middle Ages the Church
persecuted usury and condemned as sin, although usury was exercised
by Jews and was condoned by the Church, the Crown and society, not
as a privilege but as something unworthy although it is somewhat
paradoxical today and see a great banker. You could say that the
modern economy is a Semite invention which aims at maximum
enrichment of an individual or group of them at the expense of
others, this can be seen in "The Merchant of Venice" by
William Shakespeare, for example.
dollar: "In God we trust"
when a long train of abuses and usurpations, invariably aimed at the
same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute
Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such
government and to provide new guards for their future security and
Thomas Jefferson. Declaration of Independence. July 4, 1776.
Thomas Jefferson. Declaration of Independence. July 4, 1776.
and money have nothing to do, as Jesus Christ said: "Give to
Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's" personally
the word God think appearing on money is nothing more than to create
false confidence the American people possessing great religious
the dollar as international currency globally established and
subsequently unilaterally canceled by the United States conversion
to gold, the United States was aware that they assumed a position of
globally unique advantage.
explain it easily and since I'm not an expert in economics I would
say that we could use the game of Monopoly: if the US is player and
also plays the role of banks should change all the money from the
other players to dollars so it was a game but just it was not done.
US through Keynesian macroeconomic policies, I created a "Marshal
Plan" for European reconstruction funds in dollars (ie it was
paid with a currency that could only be used to purchase goods and
international services, though convertible local currency) and US
given the opportunity to benefit from European goods and services.
But of course it was a very lucrative business.
the same way oil is paid in dollars and that makes the oil producing
countries accumulate large fortunes (in dollars) .But what if the US
decides to unilaterally change its currency rather than converting
existing dollars or had a change of government and currency? It
should be noted that the Federal Reserve is a private entity that is
not a central bank as the European (ie backed by the guarantee of
the countries with a high degree of confidence of Europe). The
answer is that you could not do anything because the value of the
dollar for the economy or confidence is imposed not if not for the
military power of the US and international agreements.
But the US perhaps
was aware of it and has a law on monopolies, to prevent countries
with large resources of dollars could buy the entire production of
essential goods and plunge into chaos in the country, also to
prevent could be acquired their factories (which are already scarce
for relocation). Briefly in 2007 there were 829 billion dollars
"physical" and GDP ($ 14.660.000.000.000) plus gold
reserves worth more Fort Knox but there are many thousands of
millions of dollars that are not "physical "but there is
no accurate and reliable data and exceeding many times that amount
since years that are not published. At the moment, according to the
latest forecasts by the International Monetary Fund (IMF)
to the example of the serious game of Monopoly as if the player USA
was the winner from the beginning to have unlimited dollars. But
there's something wrong, the US population in 2007 was 302,688,000
inhabitants, ie all physical money distributed per capita gives us
only $ 2,738.79 and must take into account that most of that money
US physicist is out; the answer is that Americans use credit cards
and / or debit cards. But to prove my theory that there are many
thousands of millions of $ (there is no way to compensate for US)
worth another example: daily US imports oil worth $ 1,221,593,100
day which gives us that spend 678 days equivalent of all their
'physical' money and 30 years would have spent the equivalent of its
Monetary System central bank Federal Reserve or without skipper
how the monetary system of the Central Bank or Federal Reserve
operates without pattern is complex to understand but to explain it
simply, the system creates money issuing bank or central bank (coins
or bills) / physical money, and private banks licensed to create
FunMoney / (loans, credits, etc.), then play money becomes real and
returns the process printing more money the issuing bank or
accounting scoring numbers in the private bank. The system generates
money exponentially, depending on supply and demand, except that
there is less supply unless it is destroyed and no one will give up
his money, in principle, in a capitalist system to remove it from
the market the system to work properly:
systemic error of the monetary system of the Federal Reserve
the US there was a monopoly of the Federal Reserve and Gold, in the
20s before this problem and not knowing what to give in return for
the money destroyed these private banks, the Federal Reserve decided
to let this systemic error continue generating money supply to
infinity, banks face much money decided to get profitability and
made loans to its clients who invested in the stock market, in
addition to them also investments, excessively inflating the values
for a short period won but then was a complete Crack the 1929
, customers lost their farms or homes because they can not pay their
loans and was a national crisis. The subprime is another example of
this systemic error excess money supply in private banks for not
destroying large amounts of money. There are other cases like the
crisis that suffered with the US Subprime in Spain, where excess
money supply in the German private banks had to seek a niche market
where you get profitability and lent large amounts of money to
Spanish banks that gave loans mortgage, and all with great ease
until the "housing bubble" .What curious of all it is that
the culprit though the Federal Reserve is really, nobody knows
ballooned, so for everyone are banks or real estate or any other,
because nobody knows the system does not work without a pattern.
Well if there is a method but it is a bit strange. where excess
money supply in the German private banks had to seek a niche market
where you get profitability and lent large amounts of money to
Spanish banks giving mortgage loans, and all kinds easily until
Inflated " housing bubble ".What curious of all is that
the culprit though the Federal Reserve is really, nobody knows, so
for everyone are banks or real estate or any other, because nobody
knows the system does not work without Pattern. Well if there is a
method but it is a bit strange. where excess money supply in the
German private banks had to seek a niche market where you get
profitability and lent large amounts of money to Spanish banks
giving mortgage loans, and all kinds easily until Inflated "
housing bubble ".What curious of all is that the culprit though
the Federal Reserve is really, nobody knows, so for everyone are
banks or real estate or any other, because nobody knows the system
does not work without Pattern. Well if there is a method but it is a
bit strange. The curious thing about all this is that although the
culprit is really the Federal Reserve, no one knows, so for everyone
are banks or real estate or any other, because nobody knows the
system does not work without a pattern. Well if there is a method
but it is a bit strange. The curious thing about all this is that
although the culprit is really the Federal Reserve, no one knows, so
for everyone are banks or real estate or any other, because nobody
knows the system does not work without a pattern. Well if there is a
method but it is a bit strange.
confess one thing money is supposed to be used to purchase goods and
services, but private bankers when they do not think a lot of money
to acquire those goods and services but gold or more money so it
does not work. Any / as have thought that private bankers can buy
themselves the gold that correspond to them on a gold standard
system to destroy money. It should not do so the Federal Reserve or
the Central Bank or Issuer because otherwise the seller of gold
would have that money in the system, mientra that if he had the
Federal Reserve or the Central Bank or Issuer they give gold and
destroy money, leaving the stabilized system. Any / as they have
thought that private bankers themselves can buy gold would
correspond to a gold standard system to destroy money. It should not
do so the Federal Reserve or the Central Bank or Issuer because
otherwise the seller of gold would have that money in the system,
mientra that if he had the Federal Reserve or the Central Bank or
Issuer they give gold and destroy money, leaving the stabilized
system. Any / as have thought that private bankers can buy
themselves the gold that correspond to them on a gold standard
system to destroy money. It should not do so the Federal Reserve or
the Central Bank or Issuer because otherwise the seller of gold
would have that money in the system, mientra that if he had the
Federal Reserve or the Central Bank or Issuer they give gold and
destroy money, leaving the stabilized system.
told that the economy is a giant with feet of clay, it is possible
the destruction of the vast amount of money you have the no gold
standard private banks using standard goods and services: Private
banks consume goods and services to give their customers if they
make deposits, deposits, also consume office supplies, etc; I
suppose that central banks and private banks may enter into
partnerships with others with producers who have to commute
proportionate share in taxes or Social Security, thus it eliminates
the amount of money the system without gold and using goods and / or
services. It is possible that the government confiscates the money
to the banks but in principle goes against logic, It is also
possible in a war cost the same money would serve to destroy not
issuing war bonds and establishing excise duty. But once they know
everything, the ideal is to destroy the system of $ 500 trillions,
and would be remediated for several decades in the US.
is systemic error Monetary Federal Reserve or central bank without
issuing bank releases large quantities of banknotes and coins
(representing 5% of the total money in the system) to meet demand
money market of the population and private banks, private banks and
other private entities generate debt private (play money that will
become real money) requiring the issuing bank to issue more cash.
The problem occurs when the system can not be returned the amount of
cash necessary to destroy to ensure proper operation, through tax
policies and tax system and methods. The system has a periodic form
of bell curve with periods of severe crises and short periods of
economic bonanza before those who give this systemic error caused
the lack of use of a pattern. Theoretically economic engineering
from last decades aims to improve the system, in practice its sole
purpose is to find a way not to come face to face with the
tremendous debt that has been generated over the past 40 Age of Fiat
money (without skipper) .This is not another cycle of economic
downturn. We're probably before the inevitable consequence of an
economy based on nothing. Between 1945 and 1970, it called Golden
Age, increased monetary US mass remained stable since 1971 but with
Nixon Shock increases without never reaching a stable period. But
money is debt so what if we make more money ?: Suppose a large
country with a huge debt that wants to fund it and for that emit
sovereign debt bonds that will be rated by the rating agencies and
as this market demand or not these bonds at the price set by the
market as confidence and profitability. Therefore, the system
engulfs himself, since the more you increase the money supply, more
accumulation in the chain and will result in more debt. More money
is made to balance the system. The money is accumulated at some
point in the chain causing the need to continue to bring money to
balance the system. As capital is accumulated at some point, will
have to re-inject money into the system to keep it circulating,
generating more debt, and back again. More money is made to balance
the system. The money is accumulated at some point in the chain
causing the need to continue to bring money to balance the system.
As capital is accumulated at some point, will have to re-inject
money into the system to keep it circulating, generating more debt,
and back again. More money is made to balance the system. The money
is accumulated at some point in the chain causing the need to
continue to bring money to balance the system. As capital is
accumulated at some point, will have to re-inject money into the
system to keep it circulating, generating more debt, and back again.
has two main functions are a means to facilitate transactions,
purchases and normal sales, and a means to store value, ie, to save.
money is controlled by the central bank and its goal is to have
enough money, of all types, in the needs for economic activity are
met financial system. That consumers have enough money to make their
purchases, that companies have enough money to make purchases, pay
their obligations and make their investments and that the government
has enough money to meet their expenses and make investments.
the central bank has an obligation to ensure that there is too much
money, of any kind, not fuel inflation and that too much liquidity
compared to the needs of the real and financial market cause price
increases, with more demand products and services your offer.
central bank has several ways to ensure that the money is needed in
the financial system and usually works through the financial system.
can print more money so that you have more cash, M0, or cash
withdrawals buying these banks and thus reducing the level of cash
in the system. In addition, the central bank can inject money in the
system through other forms of money defined in the previous concept
is, the central bank may allow the financial system has more or less
paying deposits or withdrawing liquidity from banks, usually made
through the purchase or sale of short-term securities.
level of money includes all types of money, including cash (M0) and
various types of debt, short and long term, the financial system
remains on its behalf and on behalf of its customers.
reasons of solvency, banks are required to maintain a level of
capital against total balances. The minimum capital is considered
safe 8% of total balance sheet and capital level of 10% of the total
balance, until recently, has been considered very conservative and
very safe.
system and the different types of money is that with that level of
capital required, banks can multiply your balance more than ten
times per euro with capital through loans they make and give.
an example, a bank with capital of 10%, when you receive a € 100
deposit may lend or invest € 90, ie 90%. In turn, this 90% is
deposited somewhere in the financial system, where 90% of this new
deposit can lend or invest, causing another deposit or deposits
somewhere in the financial system, and so on, with the only limit
the need to maintain the level of capital.
multiplier effect, using the leverage ment has the result that each
euro that the central bank provides the financial system is
multiplied by ten or more depending on the level of capital that
banks hold.
course it is also the opposite effect. That is, if the central bank
wants to reduce the total level of liquidity in the market, provides
less liquidity in the system and multiplying the level of reduction
by the same multiple effect described above.
addition, in environments of difficulty or financial insecurity, the
same financial institutions may negatively impact market liquidity
not responding to the liquidity injections of central bank rather
than leveraging loans or investments. The multiplier effect requires
their participation.
central bank can carry out this reduction by increasing the level of
required deposits banks must keep with the central bank. These
deposits have the result of reducing the multiplier effect and can
go up and down depending on the central bank's target and depending
on the country, as there are variations.
way in which the central bank can influence the financial system is
through changing interest levels. If you want to impact the level of
interest it does with its operations in the market by issuing or
withdrawing (buying or selling) titles with the financial sector and
leaving this sector more or less liquidity more or less interest
levels. These interest levels affect the levels of interest with
which the financial system operates.
interest levels also affect levels of liquidity in the financial
system through how they influence growth, ie higher interest rates
cause less loans and, in conclusion, reduce the aforementioned
multiplier effect.
all these reasons, when the central bank sees that there is too much
liquidity in the system or too much inflation, actual or potential,
work by reducing the level of liquidity in the system, through a
mixture of steps. They can raise the required deposit that banks
have with the central bank, thus reducing the available liquidity in
the activity mentioned and, especially, can raise the level of
interest and, because of the multiple effect, each euro reduction
has impact end to reduce liquidity in the financial system by a
multiple of ten or more.
the central bank decides to increase the level of liquidity in the
system, because it believes that there is no inflation in the system
or because they do not consider important, can reduce the level of
interest and thus cause the opposite effect on growth, liquidity and
financial activity.
considerations central bank are related to the level of liquidity in
the system. This liquidity also is impacted by the deficit or
surplus of the state budget and, money and liquidity is very
international, dollars, euros, etc. become important deficits or
surpluses around the world.
countries spend more than they receive, financed by debt issuance
and every dollar or euro, etc. government spending has the same
multiplier effect described above. By measuring the level of
liquidity that the central bank considers it desirable, these
deficits or surpluses at international level are also taken into
account in their calculations.
addition to its primary role as a regulator of participants in the
financial system to ensure its solvency, the role of central bank in
the center of the level of money management and financial system is
Spain, the regulatory role is exercised by the Bank of Spain, while
the central role in the monetary system in the Euro countries,
including Spain, is exercised by the European Central Bank (ECB).
example. This systemic error in synthesis is that money
exponentially created to infinity quickly if not removed from the
system by the Central Bank or Federal Reserve, but no pattern can
not be done simply and there is no simple method redemption money
through tax policy or tax to recover cash destroying of private
banks by the central bank, as counterpart could only in a system
without skipper offering money in exchange for money or bonds, which
is absurd and not solve the problem.
the bitcoin pattern in toxic assets that are property applies, a
symbiotic relationship pattern set since the bitcoin patron has no
pattern and only based on trust, is a "giant" with "feet
of clay" ergo mutually benefit are "symbiotic"
products, such as oak and gurumelo (very typical mushroom onubense
meadow), the cryptomonedas not based on the GDP of a country or
precious metals such as gold, silver or semiprecious as bronze,
copper, for example, only based on speculation foreign exchange
markets and its usefulness is relative, depending more used (demand)
so will be appreciated more or less, however, subprimes are
properties that always have value because they are unpaid mortgages
even though they represent a property,your problem is to turn them
into "liquid cash" and that helps the bitcoin is the most
used and popular of the "cryptomonedas" .The idea is that
one is the pattern of the other and both have a pattern that makes
them stronger to avoid "falling" with speculation, in
addition to solving the problem of confidence in the markets that
occurred with the "subprimes" which have led to a sharp
decline and distrust of investors who "flee" investment in
real estate, but slowly the market is recovering but very slowly and
far below the "boom" of the 90s.In addition to solving the
problem of confidence in the markets that occurred with the
"subprimes" which have led to a sharp decline and distrust
of investors who "flee" investment in real estate, but
gradually the market is recovering but very slowly and very far from
the "boom" of the 90s.In addition to solving the problem
of confidence in the markets that occurred with the "subprimes"
which have led to a sharp decline and distrust of investors who
"flee" investment in real estate, but gradually the market
is recovering but very slowly and very far from the "boom"
of the 90s.
are based on trust and a product to be trusted must give guarantees
and that is done by providing a "guarantee" or in this
case, a "patron" without resorting to GDP, because it is
not a country but it is an international problem caused from the US
and spread to Europe and therefore everyone, now from the European
Union should take steps to fix it, at least for Europe, to prevent
the "Economia the common good "of the German School of
Economics suffer the consequences, we are about to open the doors of
Europe to the United States with TTIP, a free trade agreement
between the European Union and the United States and surely these
take advantage to introduce transgenics, this market is similar to
the financial market,some produce "cancer" and financial
markets there is now a "cancer" that must be "cured"
and the cure is to apply a pattern to toxic assets, for example, has
the Popular Bank and has to make "liquid" this is the
solution to your problem of liquidity, according to the "theory
of quantum uncertainty principle games / Heisenberg indeterminacy,
fuzzy logic, Nash equilibrium and theory of planned behavior (TPB)"
my invención.Es "quantum mechanics" applied to the
economy.Nash equilibrium and theory of planned behavior (TPB) "My
invención.Es" quantum mechanics "applied to the
economy.Nash equilibrium and theory of planned behavior (TPB) "My
invención.Es" quantum mechanics "applied to the economy.
that time comes I will buy bitcoins and will invest everything you
can because they will rise after only a matter of time and I am
patient but financial markets no. There are other criptomonedas but
I focus on the Bitcoin because it is the most known and used and
because others also respond to fashion.
Microcuotas credits
It is part of the
hypothesis: "The periodic fee (month / year / etc) of a loan is
0, infinite € to infinite €" and "The lower
subscription costs will be easier to pay it."
Marketing and
It is part of the
hypothesis: "There can not be marketing and advertising if
there is a need for a good or service" and "If there is a
need must be created and the easiest is to create a symbiotic need."
Demonstration of
hypotheses used.-
A hypothesis is a guess based on evidence of an investigation. In
the scientific method hypothesis is a possible explanation for the
phenomenon we are studying. The hypothesis is tested, ie the
assumption that it is true, or refuted, ie the assumption that not
be true .. Either way research is valid. Here's an example: you're
doing research on a certain type of ants. You raise your hypothesis
that these ants are susceptible to DDT, ie if you put them DDT ants
die. Les sprinkle DDT and these ants die. So the hypothesis is
checked and your research is valid. Les sprinkle DDT ants and they
do not die, your hypothesis is refuted, it was not true. But
research is still valid,
It is part of the hypothesis "In any chaotic
system there is some order to determine" And who created the
"systemic chaos" is the only one who knows that order.
* As an Overlord
is created on the 2nd War Mundial.-
It is based on several assumptions: "The
trustful information can not be revealed even at the risk of life",
"trust is generated in the individual, through an incentive:
Eg: Americans used British money and your faith the Queen ","
at the loss of his own life tERROR (State over fear) is created by
shooting with a gun with blanks (but the individual does not know
who they are) in his temple (as punishment for not reveal the
secret) and becomes AWARD knowing that he has not lost his life ","
Whoever possesses the secret information dominates the game (a bonus
COMPETIVA is created) "," Overlord is based on the concept
of faith (for that there were more Americans kept awake the secret)
"," If the individual psychological condicionamento
applies a custom generated ""The STIMULUS NEGATIVE (Death)
must be inversely proportional to PRIZE: Eg: A greater PAIN least
pleasure (except exceptions as" masochistic "" can be
created without using FE Overlordy or money if the incentive
protection is used. STATE FAMILY "and (Continuum?)
* Based on "Pavlov's dog"
(active conditioning).
Is part of the following two scenarios:
"What he says Tsun Zu in his book" The Art of War "are"
nonsense "that are good for modern warfare" "and"
The rules of the game of chess today are incorrect "
How Hypotheses demonstrate Solving the
game of chess applying the reglas.P.ej true: You can not "castling"
.Pista: In Italy, a chess with people and horses using the real
rules of play ajedrez.¿Para serving "Deep Blue"?. the
solution chess are tables, with fewer lost parts.
You can use different gases, the better
the hydrogen in the form of helium H3, whose product of combustion
(pollutant) is "dirty water" but as my family (OMEYAS of
the royal family of Saudi Arabia) sell oil, methane, butane and
propane, will make them the "favor" to use bottles or
butane propane vehicles adapted can be done in any current vehicle
combustion gasoline adapting it (as the taxis for a long time and I
know because my earthly father taxi driver was the father of my
queen, my mistress, Letizia AEL) in Catalonia there are many
automobile manufacturers like Ford, Renault, Volkswagen, Nissan,
etc;They can adapt car engines stored in "stock" gas and
give them away and "load" the price on fuel with an
agreement with the supply of fuel for a period or lifetime of the
INVERSO") is just an idea of how to create a "symbiotic
necessity" in the automotive sector and pass the time and to
the twenty-first century and leave the twentieth century and the oil
and contaminación.Pero is an idea that benefits both parties to
customers and sellers of cars that would compete in the market in
calidad.Se can make bottles with special caps for each car brand so
you can not use another brand of gas and is a monopoly but no
serious legal or maybe it depends on the political and legislation
of the European Union in this regard but must act,You can not wait
any longer, it is urgent to change because the land cries because
pollution has reached very high limits and "Paris Agreements"
have sanctions of the United Nations China, USA or Russia by the
"veto" on the UN.
Compression / decompression LOST DATA (SPECIES
The f (xyz) is solved
by a matrix of 4X4 applied to a nibble (4 bits) top and bottom
of each byte (8 bits) of the DNA strand ( "golden number"
or "number of God" this is a "track"). the
systemic error, which is the NADA Wanted or iNFINITE, the absolute
information 0, meaningless and absolute 1, the infinite, in a
tristate logic where there is 0.25,0.50, 0.75 as intermediate values
and analog ULA / ALU.
We start from several
hypotheses (resolves with my game theory with quantum mechanics, the
uncertainty principle / inderteminación of Heisemberg and fuzzy
logic) .It affirm and develop the hypotheses of the environment
where they occur and affirm or refute.
1 ~ EXISTS one f (xyz)
(DNA / DNA) compressing all information ATG (Amine Thiamine Guanine)
and Cytosine adds the embryo itself (GOD ABSOLUTE)
2. The test system /
error occurs
3.Son a permutation of
three elements in any order in a double helical chain
4.Se using fuzzy logic
and the uncertainty principle / Heisemberg indeterminacy in a system
of three elements (Logica tristate) with a random fourth taking
5 cytosine if not used
and is used embryo donor DNA clones causes old or aged, if done with
ATG This error does not appear in the genome as it is taken from a
young embryo.
Solution: perfect Clone donor DNA / DNA,
the f (x, y, z) not give even for safety, the matrix hidden even
alone, I sent to CNI and only them have in their backups of emails,
but they do not know.
Existing systems we provide for schemes
compression / encryption without loss several options, but the
example of dictionary-based interesting and algebraic systems and
methods "hash" with MD5 and others too, start from the
above, and suppose that what we do is that 5 bits indicate 1 byte me
thanks to the compression algorithm TGV.
- B7B6B5B4B3B2B1B0xxxxxxxx
would like
- B4B3B2B1B0xxxxx
And if
we continue with the next byte, this would apply to the end of bytes
to be compressed, ie the result is a compression 8bit: 5bits.
But once
the process is complete return to compress and so again and again
until only 5 bits.
But as
we know how many bytes have been compressed in addition to the
algorithm first TGV? The end result will be a first byte
- B7B6B5B4B3B2B1B0xxxxxxxx
bits 7,6 & 5 will indicate how many bytes (0 to 7) indicate the
bytes indicating the number of bytes in which the algorithm is
applied if 000 indicates that no bytes indicating number ie only
applied once the algorithm; ie maximum 7 bytes would 8 bits by 7
bytes = 56 bits, that is the number 2 ^ 56-1 which equals
72,057,594,037,927,935 times (7.2057594037927935 x 10 16 bytes
excluding the first) the number on which the algorithm could be
- B7B6B5B4B3B2B1B0B7B6B5B4B3B2B1B0B7B6B5B4B3B2B1B0B7B6B5B4B3B2B1B0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxB7B6B5B4B3B2B1B0B7B6B5B4B3B2B1B0B7B6B5B4B3B2B1B0B7B6B5B4B3B2B1B0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
compressing to explain any doubts that arise, we start from an
example: We have a file with 2 characters (bytes) and we want to
compress them (this is the worst since the compression ratio would
give a 2 bytes: 2 bytes)
- B7B6B5B4B3B2B1B0B7B6B5B4B3B2B1B0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
the first from left to right, compress the first byte, which I have
5 bits + 8 bits (the other byte), compress the following with what I
have 5 other bits; a total of 10 bits, taking the first 8 and
compress staying with 5 bits + 2 bits, or a total of 7 bits, well
add a bit to be 1 (fixed value, to consider decompression) with
which again have 8 bits the compress and have 5 bits of information,
the result will be two bytes with bit 7,6 and 5 of the first 001
plus the 5 bits of information and the next byte is 00000001,
indicating that except I first used the algorithm TGV with one byte.
In this example the compression ratio is worse than 2 bytes is given
in two bytes, can reach 7.2057594037927935 x 10 16 bytes not
including the first 8 bytes, a ratio of compression (7,
If they
were 3 bytes I have to compress get as a final result, a byte with
bits b7, b6 and b5 with 001 bytes b4b3b2 the value of applying the
algorithm TGV and 2 bits 11 to add, plus 1 byte is 00000010 .The
compression ratio is 3: 2.
If they
were 4 bytes that I have to compress get as a final result, a byte
with bits b7, b6 and b5 with 001 bytes b4b3b2b1b0 the value of
applying the algorithm TGV and 0 bits added, plus 1 byte is
00000011. The compression ratio is 4: 2.
If they
were five bytes that I have to compress get as a final result, a
byte with bits b7, b6 and b5 with 001 bytes b5b4b3b2b1 the value of
applying the algorithm TGV and 1 bits added value to 1, plus 1 byte
will be 00000100. The compression ratio is 5: 2.
But what
if they were 256 bytes that I have to compress get as a final
result, a byte with bits b7, b6 and b5 with 001 bytes b5b4b3b2b1 the
value of applying the algorithm TGV and 0 bits added value to 1,
plus 1 byte will be 11111111. The compression ratio is 256: 2.
That is
for the number of bits to add is 0.1 or 2 is given by the value
associated with the last byte in the examples the second (or bytes 1
through 7 in the header of the first byte which go 5 bits of
information) in decimal, for example:
It is 0
in (0,3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24,27,30,33,36,39 ....) Σ i * 3
= 0n
It is 1
in (1,4,7,10,13,16,19,22,25,28,28,31,34,37,40,43 ...) Σ (i * 3) + 1
= 0
It is 2
in (2,5,8,11,14,17,20,23,26,29,32,35,38,41,44 ...) Σ (i * 3) + 1
i = 0
0 Logically would not since there would be no byte indicating the
number of bytes in addition to the first, ie b7, b6 and b5 of the
first would be 000.
So they
can know how many bits are added to 1 to set to 5, the end result is
simple and responds to the function bits add = n mod 3 (ie the rest
of dividing whole way from 3 the number expressing the byte).
At this
point we should clarify the difference between the real and unreal,
legends and history. According to legends "Raziel gave Adam the
secret of God ..." "As Prometheus gave fire to mortals
..." "Antheus was the true father of Heracles the son of
Zeus ..." or "The power of kings comes from God .. ".
This is science as E = mc ^ 2 made by Albert Einstein is unanimously
accepted that it was not unrealistic and defined hitherto unknown
legend. They raised the question of the DNA elements 4 ATGC
expressible giving values 0,1,2 and 3 or binary 00,01,10 and
consists 11.¿Pueden explain you as achieved that not to divide ∞,
if not only to a number of times and form, for example a human
being? As this system employs 3 to 5 bits to express a non ∞ that
is given by 0 to 72 number.
- Starting from a set of n bytes (characters), the first four bytes are taken.
- Each byte is divided into two nibbles (4 bits sets) each represents 0 to 15 in decimal, it takes each of the eight nibbles and compared with the following table:
- If we express 4 bits with only 3 bits, ie can refer to an element of the upper or lower table 3 bits and bit or flag for every nibble indicating 0 or 1.
- 4twoonexxx
we can write 0 to 7, indicating which is its value plus 1 bit is 1
or 0.
this point we have 8 groups of 3 bits plus 1 byte (8 bits) sorted by
0-7 referencing the nibble of 0-7 that point.
- If we want to represent 3 bits with only 2 bits we are similar to the above problem.
- twoonexx
we can write 0 to 3, indicating which is its value plus 1 bit is 1
or 0.
now my bit signal that indicated I left or right position (the same
as before but instead of up or down, left and right) are the two
bits of each nibble. We now have 8 groups of 2 bits and a byte (8
bits) "pointer" (we already have one before and this total
2 bytes).
If we want to represent 2 bits with only 1 bit we found a problem
similar to the above.
- onex
we can write 0 to 3, indicating which is its value plus 1 bit is 1
or 0.
now my bit signal that indicated me left or right position, be 0 or
1, and I stay with the 8 least significant bits (1 byte) and byte (8
bits) "pointer". Ie we have not reduced the number of
bytes or nibbles. We have only become rows by columns.
0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101
1110 1111
0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101
1110 1111
Existing systems we provide for schemes without
losing several options, but the example of dictionary-based
interesting, start from the above, and assume that what we do is
define the propbabilidad that after a 0 comes another 0 or 1 , ie 6
bits indicating me and take only 1 byte
- 0010eleven010010eleven010010eleven010010eleven01xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
And if a
0 is followed by another 0 to 2 would bits 101xxx, if 0 followed by
1 serious 110xxx and the best the 111xxx indicate a 0 followed by a
1 followed by 0. Now let's compare the different values and
see what we get. But of course we are generating 2 bytes (16 bits)
to represent only 1 byte (8 bits), but we generated 14 zeros and 2
ones, ie we reduced 8 bits to 2 bits but their position is 4 bits,
but 1 bit indicating left or right.
But what
if the byte nibbles were two equal? Could represent it by one nibble
with its position from this nibble two nibbles ie, followed by the
same value would indicate 0001 as displacement position 0000 is its
initial position and the 4 least significant nibble would indicate.
- btoeleven100100xxxxxx
Then the
tables are simplified:
00 01 10
11 00 01 10 November
they are the same in both nibbles, but what if instead of the two he
did with the 8 nibbles of 4 bytes and bits instead of 2 put 4 saying
which is repeated 0-15.
- dcbtoeleven100100xxxxxxxx
In the
worst case I meet 16 bytes to represent 16 nibbles (8 bytes), so I'm
doubling the size, but for the bits a, b, c and d were 0 (the worst)
introduce other 8 bytes (nibbles 16) and have at least 16 bytes to
represent 16 bytes, ie the ratio 1: 1 compression ratio.
But what
if we were to use a dictionary with the possible values of the
00 00 01
00 00 10
00 00 11
00 01 00
January 01
00 Oct.
00 11
00 10 00
00 Oct.
00 Oct.
00 Nov.
00 11 00
January 00
01 00 01
00 10
00 11
January 00
January 01
January 10
January 11
10 00
10 01
10 10
10 11
11 00
11 01
January 1110
January 11 11
introduction on Internet.-
origins date back to World War II, in which Vannevar Bush
facilitated the relationship between the federal government, the
American scientific community and the business world, which later
ARPA is created, created after the launch by the Soviets of Sputnik,
by President Eisenhower.
Roberts later would be the chief architect of the ARPANET computer
network, whose architecture is strongly related to Paul Baran with
packet switching, the design for its high level of redundancy would
make the network more robust in case of nuclear attack. Arpanet
connect large microcomputers or 'mainframes' through computers
gateway smaller or 'gateways', on September 1, 1969 the first IMP
(Interface Message Processor) is installed at UCLA, a month later at
Stanford, Santa Barbara and UTAH.
Internet occurs with the creation of TCP (Transmission Control
Protocol or Transmission Control Protocol) by Vint Cerf in 1974. In
the 70s hypertext Ted Nelson created and until 1990, thanks to Tim
Berners begins Lee, the 'world wide web' ( "cobweb global")
and here begins the popularisation with Mosaic and Netscape (
'browsers') to spread to the general public. .
1989-90 although he used before ARPANET some American universities,
in which the public and free use of the network by anyone is
allowed, in addition to universities (US only?), Was established the
need to redesign the network so that nodes and military servers were
not publicly accessible. two ranges and to be
used by ARPANET and no routing table a DNS server could give access
to them (as ARPANET network used and continuously using DNS servers
that translate IP address reserved destination as the routing
tables) since these boards are secret.
they encountered the problem of access hidden potential Internet
users, the solution was simple placing their own DNS servers to the
new network keeping secret the IPs reference nodes (using private
IPs, such as servers to a packet destined or ignore it and not forwarded, or ends up being lost from
server to server, but lost packets of this type may someday I can
give more information right now I do not have ).
MILNET is not accessible from Internet public IP, with the exception
of military servants, of course, such as the primary DIA ns1.dia.mil
( and secondary ns2.dia.mil (214.3 .138.10), the rest
of the "invisible" network.
information is closely related to the SIGINT and DATINT networks
such as ECHELON or LYNX, and that is why in my previous email
requesting the disconnection of the MILNET military network the
Internet (Internet belongs to?).
owns the Internet?
in each country its territory and information, telephone lines,
data, and / or any kind are subject to the laws of that territory,
as with airspace or maritime few limits of territoriality and
exclusion zones are established known as "international"
regulated agreements.
in Spain would then owned by the Kingdom of Spain and this with the
approval of their institutions determine its regulation and
happens to Internic.es? This is an interesting case for discussion,
to have a given name in Spain a citizen must be registered in the
civil registry with that name and then is assigned a unique number
(ID) that identifies respect to any other person Spanish territory
and is granted a passport if you want to go to another territory, ie
another country. Internet who should assign such names and manage
(Domain Name Servers) DNS servers would be the Spanish authorities,
in the case of Spain. This would apply to the entire territory of
the European Union. In the background you can see how serious the
vision of all Internet nodes today.
implement such a system is LYNX (Interceptor Line Networks for
Enhanced Packets), several assumptions are needed:
- when you try to locate your DNS server will allow contacting it but of course you have to know your name will be as safe as a password (characters, numbers, without meaning in any dictionary ...) then the LYNX system is fully effective. To this we must change the routing tables of Internet servers (ISPs) routing those addresses do not fall in your immediate network (may be between autonomous and international communities) through a DNS server placed at a public university with a connected LYNX and these sent to a collection center data that may be considered dangerous by the authorities in exchange for a share of the commercial benefits generated in each country (domain registration, for example) that promote research.
- The software consists LYNX is basically a sniffer, ie intercepts the data packets and the 'filtered' by parameters required: destination IP, source IP, content (using dictionary prepared by the terms of each community European in their language, for example, in addition to those determined by the authorities), home port, destination port and finally an identification of encrypted, mainly with PGP, which will be sent for consideration by if they were constitute a crime messages ( searching for the string 'PGP version') will only be authorized packet traffic encrypted by an approved by the authorities of each country, in this case Spain, or in the case of the EU system, those countries that do not cooperate with ECHELON,for all other messages be sent unencrypted likewise satellite communications are encrypted to prevent satellites VORTEX can intercept (sensitive messages) counteracting communications between islands, for example, the communication interception (having transmitter and receiver system encryption and decryption homologated naturally).
- The countries that make up the European Union ECHELON can not access this technology because it would endanger the security of the system or errors could be corrected ECHELON
The game basically consists of several
parts: rabbits and lynx, 8
Bobcats rabbits and 3 for each player),
is based on the strategy
military, checkers, game theory and
"hunting techniques and fishing," which
I learned from my Tio Pepe and my Father
The rules are:
- Each lynx occupies a gray box and,
being a territorial animal that
is its territory, whether to go forward
or backward you have to do as
rabbits by black or gray squares.
- In the adjacent black squares can be
moved left or right horizontally either lynx or rabbit.
- Lynx travels or a black square (if
eating a rabbit)
jump to gray, ie moving from square to
square such as rabbit and only two to eat a rabbit.
- The lynx can naturally eat and return
to your mailbox or try to
invade the territory of another lynx if
the gray box is empty.
- Rabbits move forward only on the black
squares and
gray (if not occupied by any lynx).
- The lynx in the gray box can kill a
lynx if it is in a black box and gray where you go after is empty.
- In the game fits the absurd, ie a
player with his lynx can eat your
own rabbits and bobcats would have to
move because it would not have rabbits to move.
- Rabbits are white or black and brown or
yellow lynx.
- Rabbits do not eat other rabbits and
can coexist in the same box two or more rabbits but have to move
forward in your next move or move another rabbit if that does not
suit them or there is a lynx.
- If the rabbit moves to a square with
Lynx is eaten by lynx, but if you do not want the lynx does not have
to eat.
IMPORTANT: If a rabbit reaches the end of
the board is rewarded for their father and mother (for serious
faithful GOD MANITU, Allah, BUDA, etc. For nonbelievers nature) with
two new rabbit and a new lynx in that same box.
NOTE: Bobcats can be replaced by foxes,
wolves, tigers, lions, etc (a carnivore) and rabbits for deer,
wildebeest, EWE, etc. (a herbivore that is natural food Carnivore).
Several hypotheses are set: "If the
favor is returned is expelled from the system", "The
system is based on trust", "It depends on the influence
(share of power) and" Punishment is not directly proportional
to the cost Favor ".
History of banking
The Order of the Poor Knights of Christ,
commonly known as the Knights Templar or the Order of the Temple was
one of the most famous Christian military orders. This organization
remained active for less than two centuries. It was founded in 1118
by nine French knights led by Hugo de Pavens after the First
Crusade. Its original purpose was to protect the lives of Christians
pilgrimage to Jerusalem after its conquest. Not only learned a whole
market system created, but became the first bankers since the fall
of Rome. They did so knowing the scarcity of money in old Europe and
offering in its dealings much less usurious than those offered by
Jewish merchants interests. Thus, they created ledgers, modern
accounting, commercial paper and even the first draft. At this time
it weighed heavily the idea of carrying cash on the road, and
the Order of supporting documents ordered to collect an amount
previously delivered in any other parcel of the order. Only
signature was needed, or where
appropriate, the stamp. It is again the trust that is needed in the
market economy.
There is a little known fact but true: in
the Middle Ages the Church persecuted usury and condemned as sin,
although usury was exercised by Jews and was condoned by the Church,
the Crown and society, not as a privilege but as something unworthy
although it is somewhat paradoxical today do so at a great
banquero.Se could say that modern economics is a Semite invention
which aims at maximum enrichment of an individual or group of them
at the expense of others, this can be seen in " the Merchant of
Venice "by William Shakespeare, for example.
several absolute
values defined 0, 1 0,25,050,075 and absolute values are
analog a ULA / ALU for a digital system, the table of discrete
values Karnaugh intermediate states and joins the absolute
values of 0 and 1 .
occurs in these values and is calculated mathematically
applying the uncertainty principle between 0 and 1 absolute all the
boolean algebra using fuzzy logic also, the result is a new and
perfect logic.
FILTERS "inerting" chlorine.
is a solution to the chlorine contamination and are the "water
filters" that "inertizan" (chlorinated water) and
chlorine are very expensive to build small deposits are circulating
water and bomba.Æ
mode is cyclic and is given as a bell curve, at its base is minimal
demand and its peak is maximum and only decrece.Se gives every 20
and it
is imposed by force of imitation as with the alpha male primates
with tools (a "straw" to eat ants).
Gaussian curves with different parameters for the mean and variance.
The corresponding values are,
B = μ c = σ.
Gaussian function or bell curve (in honor of Carl
Friedrich Gauss)
is a function
by the expression:
Economic systems can be divided by how they
allocate resources (the means
of production) And how they make decisions
regarding the use of resources. Another possible classification has
to do with thepolitical
economy according to which there are three
large models, capitalist
economies or free market, socialist
economiesor planned economies and mixed
economies. The first two types are in a sense idealizations because
all economic systems have elements of market and planned elements.
Below these three types of systems are explained a bit more detail:
- Economy free market: Depends on the premise that economic laws are a law of natureAnd that, consequently, more effectively work the less you disturb it, implying that intervention State the same should be minimal.
- The Planned economy or centralized: Based economic process that follows a natural law of social organization of human beings, but concludes that the development of those laws inevitably leads to ever larger levels planning Y control (watch Social ownership). This implies that theproperty of the production factors It should be in the hands of CommunityAnd that, consequently, cooperation It is the central element of efficiency.
- The Mixed economyIt is a compromise proposal between the market economy and the planned economy. Within this general proposition, some emphasize the social character of concepts, processes and economic structures. The most general theoretical economic support of this position is established in that economic efficiency is mixing the private and public provision ofgoods.
Alongside these three main models there are some
others that can be conceived either as intermediate between the above
or as variants of the mixed economy. Among these are:
- Market economy, Which many consider the variant closest to the free market economy mixed economy.
- General or European model Welfare state, Which in turn it includes Social Market Economy (Which seeks to differentiate the "liberal capitalism" and "Marxism" mainly because of the option that the economy is a human relationship which aims is individual and social development and economic principle as it introduces the concept of morality, Since being an essentially human activity can not shake the ethical, moral and even legal principles of natural law. "The dirigisme and other modalities at country level.
- Economy indicative planningwhich can be perceived as the version of the nearest planned economies mixed economy. It can be described as "planning that involves the government of a countrycapitalist establishing some broad goals basic economic variables (eg investment in strategic industries, development infrastructureExports) and working with, not against, the private sectorto achieve them. Unlike central planning, these objectives are not legally enforzables consequently the "indicative" adjective. However, thegovernments they shall endeavor to achieve by mobilizing a variety of awards (for example: subsidies, Granting of rights monopolist) And punishment (eg: REGULATIONS, Influence through state banks) at your service".
Other economic systems include a substantial
ownership state,
and cooperative operating in mixed economies, ie both parts contain a
economy (capitalism)
As a planned
economy (socialism)
And market economy-State (fascism).
A non-exhaustive list of economic models is as follows:
- Prout also it is known as Progressive Utilization Theory.
Economists of the classical school of XVIII
centuries Y XIXThey
have studied the competition as all other economic phenomena: a state
of fact whose theory conforms to describe and explain the mechanisms,
the manner of the naturalists. Attwentieth
centuryThe Austrian school remained faithful to
this approach.
Economists of the neoclassical school (from Léon
Walras) Try to establish quantitative laws for
the economy. To do this, introduce the notion of pure and perfect
competition, a hypothetical situation defined by a number of
conditions that allow a rigorous mathematical treatment, but they are
not practically never in reality.
More recently, theorists of "imperfect
competition" analyze the gaps between the reality of competition
and the model of pure and perfect competition, and relate well to
this model as an ideal to be achieved.
Main article: perfect
Pure and perfect competition is a model of
economic theory of the neoclassical school describing a structure of
hypothetical market in which no producer or consumer has the power to
set prices or on the decisions of other agents, and also all have
equal access to information, which is equal positions of origin on
the commercial relationship. The price is then set by the coping and
negotiation of all with all, without generating monopoly rent. Pure
and perfect competition represents one of the two extreme cases of
market structures studied by neoclassical economists, the second is
the case of monopoly. It is assumed that perfect competition allows
balance on all markets under very particular sufficient conditions.
- Atomicity market: The number of buyers and sellers is vast, with which the supply or demand of each agent does not matter about the offer or total demand.
- The homogeneity of the products exchanged goods are similar in quality and characteristics; a product of better quality then is another market. In reality, the most homogeneous goods are raw materials and agricultural products.
- Transparency of information: the perfect information of all players above all others and on the exchanged good must be free and immediate; the presence of a "Auctioneer" that centralizes offers and demands in order to calculate the equilibrium price is a way to make this transparency also it implies the absence of exchange grade to grade before obtaining the equilibrium price .
The consequences of these three hypotheses are
that, firstly, the price is the only motivation to exchange or give
up share in the market (and not quality, for example) and, on the
other hand, the price is set by the market and all actors is imposed;
then only one price exists for a single well, whatever the place of
We must add two hypotheses linking markets to each
- Free entry and exit from the market: there should be no tariff barrier (protectionism), Administrative (numerus clausus) or technician to input a bidder or an additional applicant.
The latter two scenarios allow long-term
convergence of wage rates and benefit between the different economic
sectors and different countries.
It is then a very restricted framework. The
hypothesis of an auctioneer means that all offers and demands of
operators are centralized by a virtual planner, who can determine the
equilibrium price. This planner does not exist in a market economy
where the decisions concerning the trade price and quantity exchanged
are taken in a decentralized way. They developed in neoclassical
general equilibrium theory the idea of a progressive price
convergence towards the equilibrium price; Walras introduced a
mechanism of "feeler" and the idea of an "invisible
hand" has been recovered fromAdam
Smith. On the other hand,Theorem
Sonnenschein in 1973-1974 it has shown that the
uniqueness and stability of equilibrium are not secured using
relevant assumptions, so that the process of "palpated"
developed by Walras was injured.
From the properties of competition, it is possible
to demonstrate, in a neoclassical theoretical framework, that the
price in perfect competition is equal to marginal
costand, in the long run, economic profit is
zero. the additional assumption that each firm aims to maximize
profits, defined as the difference between total revenue (GT = p. q)
and the total cost is introduced it so the company can play with the
amount, but always accepts the price P. a short and medium term, if
there is an economic sector beneficiary companies enter the sector:
supply will increase and prices decrease. The benefits of these
companies on the market will decrease until exhausted.
The real competition is different from the
competition theorized by neoclassic (particularly in view of Walras
are derived from it are three possible attitudes.:
- Pure and perfect competition, especially if we complete the study of imperfect competition, is an acceptable approximation to the actual competition. In addition, the responsibility of the State to impose conditions of perfect competition, for example with the implementation ofanti-trust laws. Is the position generally accepted by neoclassical economists.
- Pure and perfect competition is based on a hypothesis too little relevant as we can draw from them practical consequences, and its study, therefore, is devoid of scientific value. It is the position of the Austrian school (Friedrich Hayek, And diametrically opposed heterodox economists: John Kenneth Galbraith, Tony Lawson, Bernard Guerrien, the institutionalist school, the postKeynsian (Kaldor, Joan Robinson) And numerous geographers of economic geography (Ron Mayer, Peter Sunley, Eric Sheppard).
- For most of the Marxists, Pure and perfect competition is a "nonsense" to use the words of Marx, whose objective is, as in every theory of the ruling class, only justify the capitalist system. Do not look into it any credibility, but only the ideas of the ruling class to consolidate their domination.
Be autonomous: advantages and disadvantages (****)
Digital Self. Many workers and freelance
arise whether they should or not to register as self-employed. Doing
so may entail benefits, but there are several responsibilities that
take into account. Usually for people who regularly issue invoices to
different entities and earning more than 22,000 euros per year it is
suitable to be autonomous.
What it is supposed to be autonomous: advantages and disadvantages
Advantages of being autonomous
- It is the fastest and easiest way to register a business.
- The person becomes his own boss, therefore, control and management is entirely in your hands.
- Not a prior process of constitution is necessary, as would happen in the case of creating a company or society.
- It is the way that requires fewer steps and legal procedures, which lowers the cost of advice. Yes, it is essential to have an accountant or manager who processed your taxes, etc. In that case, you must have the monthly payment to such advice. In addition, it is mandatory to have a log book up to date and orderly, which must be stored for at least five years.
- It is very good option for small size companies and new businesses promoted by one person.
- In many cases you can work from home and need not therefore rental of a space.
Drawbacks to be autonomous
- There is no difference between corporate assets and staff. Therefore, it responds with the goods themselves present and future debts to third parties.
- If the entrepreneur is married in community of property, it may result in its business scope to the assets of the spouse.
- You will be charged sharefixed monthly up to 285 euros, whether or not benefits. If not invoice, you have to also pay the fee autonomous, initially for six months may be 50 euros.
- It must have a legal and accounting advice, as it must make quarterly VAT returns and income tax, plus the annual income statement.
- No contribution to Social Security in the same way that an employed person, which the person will have fewer benefits in terms of unemployment, low, health insurance, maternity, retirement, etc.
- If the benefits are quite high paid more taxes than with a society.
- The companies usually offer a more professional image to financial institutions and other market players: customers, management, suppliers.
- It can not be contracted to relatives of second degree of consanguinity, but must also register as self-employed.
- He is obliged to pay 21% income tax.
How to register autonomous (****)
If a citizen is interested in becoming autonomous
and wants to avoid red tape and administrative and enlist the help of
professionals for legal and labor issues, it can be a good choice
advisories on the Internet (there consultancies
that handle all the paperwork). Normally, in addition to
providing advice, this advice allow you to use software from anywhere
where you can make the bills or keep up to date log book to quickly
and easily make quarterly statements.
linear amortization. (**)
coefficient table amortization
Civil work
general civil work
3. 4
Infrastructure and mining works
hydraulic stations
Coal plants
renewable power plants
other plants
Industrial buildings
Land dedicated exclusively to escombreras
Warehouses and stores (gaseous, liquid and
commercial, administrative, service and
residential buildings
Substations. Transport networks and energy
rest facilities
medical and related equipment
Transportation elements
Locomotives, wagons and traction equipment
Ships, aircraft
Internal transport elements
External transport elements
Furniture and fixtures
And tools
Molds, dies and models
other goods
electronic and computer equipment. Systems
and programs
electronic equipment
Information processing equipment
Systems and software
film production, phonographic, audiovisual
series videos and
Other elements
It is a concept
English, translated into Castilian as marketing or marketing. It's
about thediscipline
dedicated to the analysis of behavior marketsand
consumers. Marketing analyzescommercial management
companies in order to attract, retain and build customer loyalty by
meeting their needs.
Some sentences in which the term is used are:
"Let's hire a marketing expert to help us in the company",
"lower prices during the World Cup was a great marketing
strategy", "I'm reading a new book by marketing" .
Marketers often focus their activities in the whole of the four Ps:
Product, Price, Place (distribution) and advertising (promotion).
Marketing appeals to different techniques and methodologies with the
intention of conquering themarket
and achieve other objectives specific to a commercial company.
Definition of experts
Marketing has been invented to meet market needs
in exchange for benefits for companies that use it to develop. It is
a tool that undoubtedly is strictly necessary to achieve success in
the markets.
According to Philip Kotler it is an administrative
and social process by which certain groups or individuals get what
they need or want through the exchange of products or
servicios.Jerome McCarthy believes it is the realization of
activities that can help a company get the goals it has set and can
anticipate the wishes of consumers and develop products or services
fit for their part mercado.Por John A. Howard, who works at Columbia
University, says he is convinced that the marketing is in a process
in which it is necessary to understand the needs of consumers and
find out what the company can produce to meet them. And Al Ries and
Jack Trout,
According to the American Marketing Association
(AMA), marketing is a way to organize a series of actions and
processes when creating a product "to create, communicate and
deliver value to customers and for managing relationships" and
its purpose It benefits the organization is satisfying customers.
It is said that marketing is a social and
administrative process that involved a group of people with their
concerns and needs and because you need a certain amount of elements
such as the organization, implementation and control for efficient
development of activities .
The only function that must meet is to achieve the goals that the
company arises with regard to sale and distribution so that it
remains in force. Why it is so important not only to have knowledge
of the market, but knowing what things can develop the company that
may be of interest to customers.
What makes marketing is considered a necessity for
customers and, from it, to design, implement and verify how marketing
works products
or services company.
Various strategies and marketing tools allow you to position a brand
or product in the buyer's mind.
Marketing actions can have a vision of
profitability in the short or long term, as its management also
involves making investments in the company's relationship with
customers, suppliers and even their own employees, plus advertising
in media. Do not confuse marketing and advertising and marketing
includes advertising and other issues.
It is said that marketing can have different
orientations: the product (when the company has a monopoly of the
market but, anyway, aims to improve the production process), sales
(aimed at increasing the participation of the company in the segment
) or market (product adaptation seeks to consumer tastes) .Today
there are many types of marketing, here are some definitions:
Direct marketing: Is an
interactive system that gets followers and results in their becoming
known transactions through the advertising media place.
Relational marketing: Included
within direct marketing and is based on a fundamental principle that
there is to sell, but they will make friends and who
compren.Conseguir benefit in exchange for customer satisfaction.
virtual marketing: Also called
Cybermarketing and is applied to Internet, which is aimed at anyone
in the world who has a computer and network connection. In this
marketing there are SEO tools that allow companies to achieve good
visibility and can better sell their products or services.
Advertising is a form of communication
trying to increase consumption of a product
or service,
Inserting a new brand
or product in the consumer market, improve imagerepositioning
a brand or a product or brand in the mind of a consumer. This is done
by advertising campaigns that are disseminated in the media following
a preset plan communication.
research, analysis and study of many disciplines, such as psychology,
the neuroanatomy,
the sociology,
the anthropology,
the statistics,
and the economy,
Which they are found in the market
may, from the point of view of the seller, develop an appropriate
message for a portion of the public medium. This portion of people,
which is defined in detail, is known astarget
or target.
Blockchain technology to quantum computing, two disciplines intertwined
technology gradually become a reality, will help the blockchain safer
and more efficient. We have to go and innovate technologically to get
them to do a revolutionary couple. These are exciting times to work
on innovation.
it seemed that gradually understood what was going the blockchain
this technology, and you understood that was something that was far
beyond the Bitcoin,
You begin to glimpse news media technologies that accompanies one's
own intelligible word fiction
series like Star Trek:
The word "quantum".
although the "quantum technology" look like science fiction
is now a reality. An example is thecompanies
are exploring the use of phenomena of quantum physicsto
create new technologies or improving existing ones. Large companies
or AlibabaThey
are immersed in a "quantum race" to develop a quantum
computer that allows us to overcome the computational capacity of
today's supercomputers (with all that this implies for society);
without leave to Silicon Valley intelephone
We are already exploring the use
of quantum technology to make safer our commercial fiber optic
at this point you might be wondering, what is quantum physics? It is
the physics of the "very small".When
we moved to atom level, as strange phenomena begin to occur.
Thus phenomena appear between atoms as thequantum
is a property of elementary particles it occurs when fundamental
particles such as photons or electrons, physically interact and then
this separation, thanks to the interleaving, the particles are held
closely connected (even thousands of kilometers away), such
that any modification of the particles is instantly reflected in the
This wonderful phenomenon (yet counterintuitive) has opened the door
to work as exciting lines asquantum
Through the use of entangled particles, we will be able to transmit
information between two points instantly, impressive, right?
What is the role of blockchain in this story?
base technology is blockchain cryptography.The
current cryptography is based on the use of complex mathematical
problems, such as the problem of factorization of integers, or the
problem of discrete logarithmic curves, to secure information.
although with a classical computer are not solvable with a quantum
computer resolution can be immediate.
To guard against this, many cryptographers and blockchain platforms
and explore the use of primitive resistant to quantum cryptographic
attacks (ie, not based on these difficult problems easily computable
quantum computers).
the quantum computer will is not expected until later this year, what
can bring quantum technology to the current state of blockchain? Much
of cryptographic mechanisms in blockchain, such as key generation
users, rely on the use of random numbers. So far, we knew a way to
generate real random number.
Quantum technology is gradually a reality
this is where quantum technology comes in. By
using electron disturbed by quantum phenomena we can generate
completely random numbersWith
the consequent increase of security that can leverage the technology
and its underlying blockchain cryptography.
the technology blockchain structure information in blocks, and each
block is linked to the previous and the next, so that any changes to
the information can be easily detected. In this regard, New Zealand
researchers have proposeduse
of quantum entanglement to create a "quantum blockchain" so
that instead of linking the information block is stored particles
directly intertwined,
Making it impossible to handle.
short, quantum technology is gradually becoming a reality with the
potential to revolutionize a lot of lines, being the quantum
Internet, or Blockchain
only some of them.
you remember what we already did with the blockchain, where we had a
disruptive technology full of potential that could revolutionize our
way of doing things, but we did not know how? Now we have to go the
same way for quantum technology face to fully understand its
potential. These are exciting times to work on innovation.
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